Entangled Ruby Books
UpComing Books
Entangled Ruby Books
How it all started
There are so many trials, tribulations, and experiences that I’ve been through, as well as hundreds of other real life stories and events that I’ve witnessed my friends & family go through over the years…many of which can serve as “cautionary tales” of life! Several years ago, I started documenting all of these entangled thoughts, stories, & events that were trapped in my mind.
Once my mother passed, I wanted to dedicate something tangible to her memory. So, my first book, My Grandma Is A Butterfly was written, and subsequently, the name Entangled Ruby Books was born!
So, What’s Next?
UpComing Books
New Publications In The Works
“The relationship that a daughter has with her father molds her into the woman that she will become. It sets the standard against which she will judge all men! “
This book is full of true and fictional events that will keep the reader invested in the characters and story line, while wondering what happens next!